Friday, September 3, 2010

Gotta know when to fold 'em

Last weekend I did the Kirkwood 9-5#1. It was at the Kirkwood ski area and it was a nearly 7 mile loop with almost 1000 feet of elevation per lap. The elevation was between 8,000 and 9,000 feet and the conditions were awful. It was 46F the whole day with wind gusts over 35mph. My whole theory/strategy was to use the race as an elevation acclitamization tune-up for the Tahoe Sierra 100.

The first 3 laps went off with no problems, except my front brake cable can unattached and ended up in my front tire. It was a quick fix with some twisty ties.

Lap 4&5 started to wear me down. I was riding a hard tail 'cause I broke my race frame(again-the 4th time!) and I could really feel it in my back and upper body. But I didn't worry too much, I knew I'd be sore the next day- but that's part of endurance racing. Then on lap 6 I had some thermoreulatory issues. I could't stay warm! Being from the upper midwest, I'm usually pretty cold tolerant. I put on 2 jackets & drank a cup of hot coffee and went out for a 7th lap.

The endurance racing Gods were angry. A thick cloud cover rolled in and the wind became more constant. At the high point of the course a large 'dirt devil' attacked me.(these look like miniature tornadoes with dirt swirling in a circle) I actually had to stop to not get blown over. After that there was a definate change in mentality. I was in survival mode, not race mode. I limped into the pit area and my wife took one look at me and knew I wasn't well. She remined me of my initial objective of this race and urged me to call it a day. I was a really hard decision. I was in the pit area at 3:10 pm and had time to get 2 more laps in which would make 9. I knew the winner would do 10, but thought 9 would make the podium. I asked my wife what place I was in. She mumbled 4th, knowing that I'd stay in the race and shoot for the podium. I took one look at the sky and wind and said, " you gotta know when to fold 'em. Help me get these wet clothes off."

I finished 8th out of 9 and was fairly pissed off all the way home, but I got some great physical and mental training and am preparing hard for the Tahoe Sirra 100.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jon,

    Harlan Price here. Team CF MTB member. I was just looking up the club member and saw you are doing the Tahoe Sierra 100. Good Luck!
